Zishuo Zhao

PhD Candidate, Industrial Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Expected graduation: Summer 2026 


Welcome to my homepage!

I am Zishuo Zhao, a fourth-year PhD student in the Department of ISE, UIUC, majoring in Operations Research, advised by Professor Yuan Zhou.

I am  currently visiting MIT and working with David Simchi-Levi from Fall 2023 to Summer 2024.

Office: E18 440F 

My [CV]



Research Interest

I currently do research on Mechanism Design, and my research interest spans the fields in (the intersection of) Operations Research, EconCS and Security.

Particularly, my recent research focus is on the design of reliable and sustainable platforms for digital economy and AI, with a special interest in mechanism design for blockchain and decentralized AI platforms.

My research has won Best Paper Award at NeurIPS Workshop on Decentralization and Trustworthy Machine Learning in Web3.

During the visit at MIT, I am working on data-driven mechanism design based on statistical/online learning.




zishuoz2 [at] illinois.edu (expires in >2025/06)

wiku30 [at] mit.edu (expires in 2024/08)

https://www.github.com/wiku30 (permanent)


ORCID: 0000-0003-4247-7272


Publications and Preprints

Proof-of-Learning with Incentive Security [Arxiv]

Zishuo Zhao, Zhixuan Fang, Xuechao Wang, Xi Chen, Yuan Zhou

In submission (2024). 


Personalized Pricing with Group Fairness Constraint

Xin Chen*, Zexing Xu*, Zishuo Zhao*, Yuan Zhou* (alphabetical order)

ACM FAccT, 2023


Bayesian Mechanism Design for Blockchain Transaction Fee Allocation

Xi Chen*, David Simchi-Levi*, Zishuo Zhao*, Yuan Zhou* (alphabetical order)

Best Paper Award, NeurIPS Workshop on Decentralization and Trustworthy Machine Learning in Web3, 2022

CESC 2022


Dynamic Car Dispatching and Pricing: Revenue and Fairness for Ridesharing Platforms

Zishuo Zhao, Xi Chen, Xuefeng Zhang, Yuan Zhou

IJCAI 2022, Long Oral (top 3.75%)


ClusterSLAM: A SLAM Backend for Simultaneous Rigid Body Clustering and Motion Estimation [Link]

Jiahui Huang, Sheng Yang, Zishuo Zhao, Yukun Lai, Shi-Min Hu.

CVMJ 2021

ICCV 2019


Working Projects

Incentive-Aware Dynamic Auction for Budgeted Bidders

David Simchi-Levi*, Zishuo Zhao*, Yuan Zhou*


Decentralized Verification Game

(an interest-driven project, collaborators TBA)



Competitions Attended

THUCTF2020, 12th place [Writeup]

2020/09 - 2020/10

The 24th Artificial Inteligence Programming Contest of Tsinghua University, 12th place

2020/03 - 2020/05

The 20th Artificial Inteligence Programming Contest of Tsinghua University, 15th place

2016/03 - 2016/05



Extracurricular Life

Beside math and computer sciences, I am also interested in music and visual arts since my childhood, and was good at writing essays & poems during high school times. I still maintain Photography, Singing and Writing as my main hobbies, and have developed new interests in Orienteering and Sketching during college years.

Particularly, I wrote a recap of 2022 in Classical Chinese.


Last updated on 2024-04-30